Marc Gafni


Featured Video Responses to Marc Gafni Smear Campaign
Marc Gafni’s Invitation to Transformation, Apology, and Commitment to Immediate Future Response
On this site, Marc Gafni responds to the internet smear campaign that was initiated against him and the Center for Integral Wisdom in the fall of 2015. Over the course of this campaign, which is still going on, Marc has been accused on the web of being a serial abuser, pedophile, sociopath, and black magician, [...]
Barbara Marx Hubbard Telling the Truth about Stephen Dinan’s Smear Campaign Against Marc Gafni
Barbara Marx Hubbard tells the truth behind the Marc Gafni controversy. Barbara Marx Hubbard tells the missing background story about Stephen Dinan's Smear Campaign against Marc Gafni and how it unfolded over time. She tells the story in the two videos above: one from a live Sacred Retreat, the other from Wisdom School in 2016. You can [...]
Introduction by Marc Gafni – The Purpose of this Website
In this video introduction, Marc Gafni addresses the unprovoked smear campaign. He begins by saying: "I want to thank you for coming and being here with us on this website. The website, whoismarcgafni.com, is a place I want to find out who I am. Who is Marc Gafni? Thank god there’s finally a website where I [...]
Summation of the Smear Campaign Against Marc Gafni
The hidden structures underlying the "manufactured" Marc Gafni scandal are explained here. In the playlist above that consists of an intro plus three videos, Marc Gafni summarizes the most important issues of the recent Smear Campaign which generated the contrived Marc Gafni scandal. You can watch them all on this page. Just click play on the video [...]
For an Index of the Video Responses, click here
Featured Posts
Social Murder on the Internet: The True Marc Gafni Story
Board Members of the Center for Integral Wisdom, Dr. Kristina Kincaid and Chahat Corten, wrote an excellent piece elaborating on the case study of Marc Gafni, distinguishing the True Marc Gafni Story from the mass [...]
Summation & Relevancy of the Marc Gafni Polygraph Results
In early fall 2007 Marc Gafni asked his legal advisor at the time, to initiate a polygraph test which might help him clear his name of false accusations and complaints. The complaints he was interested [...]
Anatomy of a Smear: The Internet Trial of Marc Gafni
If you are looking for the most comprehensive discussion and analysis of the Marc Gafni smear campaign, start by reading this article. Previously unreleased evidence, reaching back nearly a decade, exposes the false allegations of [...]
Marc Gafni’s Response to Sara – A Distorted Story from 36 Years Ago When Marc Gafni Was 19
- by Marc Gafni - In November 2016, this article about Marc Gafni appeared in the Jewish Forward. Unfortunately, the Forward again presented this material in a very biased way. They went out of their [...]
What’s New?
Ken Wilber Statement on Supporting Marc Gafni and the Center for World Spirituality
[Original source: Read this letter on the website of Integral Life, where it was published on December 17, 2011.] The board of directors of the Center for World Spirituality recently made a public statement, conveying [...]
Aubrey Marcus Podcast #383: Healing the Wounds of Culture with Dr. Marc Gafni & Dr. Kristina Kincaid
In this powerfully vulnerable podcast with host Aubrey Marcus, and Dr. Marc Gafni and his partner Dr. Kristina Kincaid as guests, they discuss the wounds of culture - meaning, the myriad wounds that culture can [...]
The Myth Of Complaints Against Marc Gafni in Israel: Complaints Were Never Registered by the Police
There were never any police complaints against Marc Gafni in Israel at any time. The claim that they were is a fabrication. This is an urban myth fabricated by the people who organized the political [...]
Dr. Marc Gafni’s Ordination
Dr. Marc Gafni is an ordained Rabbi. The statements in regard to Dr. Marc Gafni's Ordination that appear on Wikipedia, were placed there directly by editors who have operated in sync with the parties, who [...]
Orchestrated Smear Campaign Against Marc Gafni
In February 2017, Deepak Chopra Asked to Be Taken off Stephen Dinan’s Petition Against Marc Gafni
On February 8, 2017, Barbara Marx Hubbard wrote an email to Deepak Chopra: Dearest Deepak – sending you love and congratulations for your important new book! Two key messages. First of all I want you to know I am teaching and writing several vital books with Marc Gafni to [...]
Social Murder on the Internet: The True Marc Gafni Story
Board Members of the Center for Integral Wisdom, Dr. Kristina Kincaid and Chahat Corten, wrote an excellent piece elaborating on the case study of Marc Gafni, distinguishing the True Marc Gafni Story from the mass of false claims, manufactured victim voices, and other atrocities. It is called: Using the Internet [...]
Injustice via the Internet: Myths, Facts, & Smear Campaigns in the Marc Gafni Story
An Exposé by Kerstin Tuschik This four-part article on Medium is an essay about truth & justice in our post-truth internet era. It uses the Marc Gafni Story as a case study to engage the larger issues at play. At the same time, it sets the records straight regarding some [...]
False Complaints in Israel
Summation & Relevancy of the Marc Gafni Polygraph Results
In early fall 2007 Marc Gafni asked his legal advisor at the time, to initiate a polygraph test which might help him clear his name of false accusations and complaints. The complaints he was interested in refuting were of two types. First he wanted to refute via polygraph the claim [...]
Marc Gafni’s Response to Chaya Lester – Marc’s Former Wife
Marc Gafni has maintained silence in response to five defamatory public rants written, published, and circulated by his former wife Chaya since 2006. In this article, Marc Gafni breaks the silence about the so-called "Marc Gafni scandal" in order to restore integrity. In his essay Marc Gafni responds to five [...]
Marc Gafni Remembering “That Night”
- The Marc Gafni Story Told by Marc Gafni - The plane landed. I took my cell phone out of my handbag to power it up. No battery left. Not wanting to wait, I asked a man standing next to me in the aisle if I could borrow his cell phone. From [...]
Distorted Stories From the Past
Marc Gafni’s Response to Sara – A Distorted Story from 36 Years Ago When Marc Gafni Was 19
- by Marc Gafni - In November 2016, this article about Marc Gafni appeared in the Jewish Forward. Unfortunately, the Forward again presented this material in a very biased way. They went out of their way to discredit Marc Gafni’s piece by surrounding it with disclaimers and so-called expert opinion. [...]
Marc Gafni’s Response to Sara Kabakov’s False Story
- by Marc Gafni - In November 2016, a shorter version of this article about Marc Gafni appeared in the Jewish Forward. Unfortunately, the Forward again presented this material in a very biased way. They went out of their way to discredit Marc Gafni’s piece by surrounding it with disclaimers [...]
Marc Gafni’s Response to Judy – A Distorted Story from Several Decades Ago When Marc Was in His Early 20’s
By Dr. Marc Gafni For the past many months, I, Marc Gafni, have been repeatedly attacked on the web and in the press. I have been falsely accused of everything from plagiarism to sexual harassment. My character & work have been demeaned. These attacks have unfolded across a series of [...]