On February 8, 2017, Barbara Marx Hubbard wrote an email to Deepak Chopra:

Dearest Deepak – sending you love and congratulations for your important new book!

Two key messages.

First of all  I want you to know I am teaching and writing several vital books with Marc  Gafni to move the source code of our culture toward ethical evolution. And, we are working together with a team on the Planetary Mission to Connect Cocreators WorldWide. We will reach 2 billion people Spring  of 2018 via a Virgin Galactic Space Flight mass event. Your voice must be heard at this time.

Marc is a kind and good person. He has gathered with me at the foundation and the Center for Integral Wisdom, dozens of leaders and thinkers. The atmosphere is marked by love, respect and the delight of evolutionary collaboration.

Secondly,  It’s about Stephen Dinan’s covert cyber campaign to destroy Marc Gafni. Motivated by hidden jealousy. I have published a video about the details of this. Stephen plugged into Marc’s adversary, David Ingber, a former student of Marc’s, who Marc expelled from his circle for ethical violations, who according to mounds of evidence organized false complaints against Marc in Israel ten years ago. Stephen, got enraged with me for personal and political reasons – because I began primary collaborations with Marc, and then connected with Ingber, and orchestrated the recent smear campaign.

This behavior is a wound in our entire community.

As leaders and co-founders of Evolutionary Leaders I am asking you and all of us to take a stand for fairness and democratic process.

Deepak, he is using your name to destroy Marc. Example, Dr. Phil asked Marc “why Deepak is attacking Marc.” That is the reason I am contacting you, because they are using your name. Perhaps you might issue a short statement that you have nothing to do with this.

Here is my request:

  1. Contact Stephen to take your name off the petition to prevent Marc from teaching in our community and globally.
  1. Tell Stephen and Ingber to stop organizing behind the scenes. They have no right to try and stop Marc from doing his work in the world.
  1. Talk with Marc and me and let’s take a powerful stand with many others for the Post Trump movement for our positive potential – what we are calling for a Politics of Evolutionary Love and Creativity. Connecting ourselves globally is an evolutionary necessity now.

Finally, if you would know Marc, you would know his integrity and goodness. Of course like anyone he has made mistakes, and has always owned them. But this attack is not about that. It is closer I believe to what Wilhelm Reich described when he talked about the Murder of Eros. Marc in many ways incarnates life force both in mind, heart and body. He is ahead of his time, in some ways a mutant and he deserves our friendship and support, but minimally he does not deserve for your name to be used in attacking him.

I look forward to your response, dear friend.

Deepak immediately, on that same day, wrote to Stephen Dinan:

Dear Stephen

Take my name off all petitions re Marc.

This is an official notice.

I no longer wish to be embroiled in this mess

Love ❤️

Deepak Chopra MD

Response from Stephen Dinan still on that same day cc’ing a bunch of people:

As you wish, Deepak.

Cc’d on that email were Barbara Marx Hubbard, Deborah Moldow, Diane Williams, and Carolyn Rangel.