A Repository of Critical Information and Essential Resources

The false or distorted allegations made against Marc have centered around the four periods of his life described in the resources posted below. The stories concerning these periods routinely feature false claims, distorted timelines, and unfounded opinion masquerading as “fact” or “truth.” The resource lists provided here, if carefully reviewed, will yield a more accurate understanding of Marc and the false and distorted allegations made against him.

June 2016

May 2016

April 2016

March 2016

February 2016

January 2016

November 2015

July 2014

Memo from the Special Committee of the Board of Directors of 
The Center for Integral Wisdom

By |2023-04-24T18:36:09+00:00July 6th, 2014|Article, Article by Colleagues, Colleagues, Contrived Controversy, Distorted Stories, False Complaints, Resources|

The Marc Gafni Facts This statement outlines the facts behind the distorted posts made about Marc Gafni online and in other forums. As often happens in public life in the internet age, a small group of people can conduct a campaign [...]

May 2014

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