April 2016
Marc Gafni Teaching Integral Evolutionary Tantra: Sacred Power Play – Domination/Submission
These videos were recorded from a Skype Teaching that Marc Gafni did for the Integral Evolutionary Tantra Institute in New York City directed by CIW Board Member Dr. Kristina Kincaid. Read the transcripts here: Integral [...]
March 2016
Marc Gafni Remembering “That Night”
- The Marc Gafni Story Told by Marc Gafni - The plane landed. I took my cell phone out of my handbag to power it up. No battery left. Not wanting to wait, I asked a [...]
February 2016
Personal Statement from Marc Gafni February 2016 at the Height of the Smear Campaign
- This Statement was written by Marc Gafni in February 2016 at the Height of the Smear Campaign. It is now published for the first time on this website. - The outpouring of vilification being [...]
The Center for Integral Wisdom Responds to the Smear Campaign in 2016
– This Center for Integral Wisdom statement was originally published on centerforintegralwisdom.org. More than 50 colleagues, board members, and friends of Dr. Marc Gafni commented on the statement supporting the Center and Marc. Below you [...]
Summation of 2008 Integral Institute Report
- Clint Fuhs about the recent smear campaign against Marc Gafni, the a summary of an Integral Institute Report about the false complaints in Israel, and moving towards versus moving away in the midst of crisis. This [...]
January 2016
The Witch or Sociopath Accusation
A smear campaign is the modern form of the old regressive witch hunt. Replace the word witch with sociopath, collect distorted first person testimonies from persons whose motives are hidden from the public and are [...]
November 2015
Lawyer Discovers in 2015 That No Complaints Were Ever Registered with Police in Israel in 2006
- This was originally published on marcgafni.com. -
July 2014
Memo from the Special Committee of the Board of Directors of The Center for Integral Wisdom
The Marc Gafni Facts This statement outlines the facts behind the distorted posts made about Marc Gafni online and in other forums. As often happens in public life in the internet age, a small group of [...]
May 2014
Memo from the Special Committee of the Board of Directors of The Center for Integral Wisdom – Short
False Claims About Marc Gafni This short statement outlines the facts behind the distorted posts made about Marc Gafni online and in other forums. As often happens in public life in the internet age, a [...]